It's been awhile since I have updated.To be honest things have been pretty busy around our house.The summer came and went for the kids.They went and stayed with family in Alabama for 2 weeks.That was heaven!!!!Then it was time for school to start.Morgan was all ready to go.Austin wasn't to sure about it.The 1st day of school was full of tears.I don't know who cried more Austin or me!!!!Chris made me go wait in the hall.Good thing he went with me because I would have stayed with my baby all day!!!!Not really......Austin is doing good now.He enjoys school and has made some friends.Morgan says she is a pro at going to school!!!Typical girl I guess.She didn't want me to walk her to her class the 1st day of school.She is growing up to fast for me.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Oh My Goodness
Posted by GaGirl27 at 4:51 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Our Trip to Charleston South Carolina
All Smiles!!!
Morgan checking out a shrimp boat at the children's museum
Being Silly!!!
In the castle
Some fish at the aquarium
More Fish!!!
He was thinking about something!!
She is getting so big!!!
In the tree log!!!
Being silly!!
Scuba Diver in the tank!!
They were getting tired!!!
End to a perfect day!!!
Posted by GaGirl27 at 8:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: Family Time, Weekend trip
Sunday, January 25, 2009
My Babies are growing up too fast
Moma's babies are growing up to fast!!It just seems like yesterday that we brought them home from the hosiptal.Mo is in the 2nd grade now and has all kinds of little friends.She is coming into her own a little more each day.Before I know it she will be in middle school...I am learning to treasure all the time I have with her.Before long she won't want to be seen with Moma in town!!I love you Mo!!!!
Bub is growing up too fast too.He will be going to school in August.He says he is a man now because he can ride his bike without training wheels!!!!Oh to be 5 again!!!He wants to be just like Daddy now!!!He is Chris's shadow.Where-ever Chris goes Bub is right there with him.Its kinda cute to see them doing things together...I love you Bub!!!!
Posted by GaGirl27 at 5:02 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Its Begining to smell like Thanksgiving
I decided to get a head start on all my Thanksgiving baking this year.This is coming from someone who has worked 10 hours today.Then had to go to Walmart and fight the crowds to get my Thanksgiving dinner....What was I thinking?
So any way.I have decided to try my luck at a butternut cake this year.My grandmother usually always makes it.Well so far so good!!!!Everthing looks just like it does when granny does it....I will post pictures when I have it all done.
Hope everyone has a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
Posted by GaGirl27 at 10:13 PM 1 comments
Labels: Baking, Family, Thanksgiving
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
New Look
Ok so I decided to change my background.It's a work in progress!!!!I figured it was time to get everyone in the Christmas spirit....Shoot the stores have had their displays out since Halloween.I felt kinda behind....LOL!!!Check back in a few days.I hope to have it all done!!!!!
Until next time.......
Posted by GaGirl27 at 9:46 PM 2 comments
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Cooler Weather
He's looking for Rollie Pollies!!!!I love this picture!!!!!He's thinking about something!!!
Posing for the camera!!!
Morgan sitting on the mailbox drawing!!!
So the weather is cooler and we are enjoying it!!!!We can actually go outside now and not be ate up by bugs or be burned to a crisp from it being so hot!!!I think I am enjoying it a little more than the kids....They can run all that energy they have off.So when we go inside they want a bath ,dinner and then bed....I will never tell them my secret....LOL!!!
The cooler weather has gotten me wanting the holidays the get here!!!I know it just seems like yesterday we were getting ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas...Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.I get to usually go to Alabama and see my daddy and brother.My grandmother lives there now so I will be seeing her too.Not to mention all my Aunts,Uncles and Cousins!!!!Can't wait till November!!!!Gotta go for now.Kids and Hubby are ready to go to town!!!!
Posted by GaGirl27 at 1:32 PM 3 comments