Friday, August 31, 2007

You know you are a Mom When:

  1. You Know You're a Mom When:1. Your feet stick to the kitchen floor.....and you don't care.2. When the kids are fighting, you threaten to lock them in a roomtogether and not let them out until someone's bleeding.3. You can't find your cordless phone, so you ask a friend to call you,and you run around the house madly, following the sound until you locatethe phone downstairs in the laundry basket.4. You spend an entire week wearing sweats.5. Your idea of a good day is making it through without a child leakingbodily fluids on you.6. Popsicle’s become a food staple.7. Your favorite television show is a cartoon.8. Peanut butter and jelly is eaten at least in one meal a day.9. You're willing to kiss your child's boo-boo, regardless of where it is.
    10. Your baby's pacifier falls on the floor and you give it back to her,after you suck the dirt off of it because your too busy to wash it off.11. Your kids make jokes about farting, burping, pooping, ect. and youthink it's funny.12. You're so desperate for adult conversation that you spill your gutsto the telemarketer that calls and HE hangs up on YOU!13. Spit is your number one cleaning agent.14. You're up each night until 10 PM vacuuming, dusting, wiping,washing, drying, loading, unloading, shopping, cooking, driving,flushing, ironing, sweeping, picking up, changing sheets, changingdiapers, bathing, helping with homework, paying bills, budgeting,clipping coupons, foldingclothes, putting to bed, dragging out of bed, brushing, chasing,buckling, feeding (them, not you), PLUS swinging, playing baseball, bikeriding, pushing trucks, cuddlingdolls, roller balding, basketball, football, catch, bubbles,sprinklers, slides, nature walks, coloring, crafts, jumping rope, PLUSraking, trimming, planting, edging, mowing, gardening, painting, andwalking the dog.You get up at 5:30 AM and you have no time to eat, sleep, drink or go tothe bathroom, and still managed to gain 10 pounds.15. In your bathroom there is toothpaste on the light fixtures, waterall over the floor, a dog drinking out of the toilet and body hairforming a union to protest unsafe working conditions.16. You buy cereal with marshmallows in it.17. The closest you get to gourmet cooking is making rice crispies bars.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Have you ever felt like it was time to spread your wings a little?Well that's how I am feeling right now.I have been a SAHM now for almost 4 years.Chris has a job now that he comes home at a decent time.So I could get a part time job.I wouldn't have to pay a babysitter.He could watch them at night while I work.This is what I want to do.The kids are a little older now so it would not be so bad on Chris.It would take so getting used to but I think we could make it work.The job would give us the extra money to do things we want to do.I am so ready for another cruise to the Bahamas!!!Hint!!Hint!!!Chris!!!My birthday is coming up!!!Anyway back to the part time job!!!Its a little scary because I have not worked for almost 4 years.I know that whatever I decide to do I will put my whole heart into.I am just worried about the kids.I won't be here to tuck them in at night.Austin will be fine I think.Its Morgan.She has to have me tuck her in every night.Everybody depends on me to get everything done for them.I just hope they don't think I have forgotten about them!!!I am doing this for them.They are to young to understand that right now.Decisions!!!Decisions!!!Always something going on in this mind of mine!!!!

Sunday, August 12, 2007


We went today to meet Morgan's teacher.Today we got a chance to go see her room and talk to her teacher.She wil be going in the first grade this year.I have been thinking about how it only seems like yesterday that my beautiful little girl was borned.She was perfect in everyway!!!Now here she is going in the first grade.Where has time gone?Only seems like yesterday we brought her home from the hosiptal all bundled up in her little pink blanket!!!I know has each year passes I have to let go a little more.Why can't they stay babies forever?One day I will look back at this post and Morgan will be all grown up with a life of her own!!!I wish time would just stop!!!I don't want to let my baby girl grow up!!!I know that I can not stop time so She will grow up and I will have to let her go her own way one day!!!I love you Momo!!!You will always be moma's little girl no matter what!!I hope you enjoy 1st grade!!!!!