Sunday, August 12, 2007


We went today to meet Morgan's teacher.Today we got a chance to go see her room and talk to her teacher.She wil be going in the first grade this year.I have been thinking about how it only seems like yesterday that my beautiful little girl was borned.She was perfect in everyway!!!Now here she is going in the first grade.Where has time gone?Only seems like yesterday we brought her home from the hosiptal all bundled up in her little pink blanket!!!I know has each year passes I have to let go a little more.Why can't they stay babies forever?One day I will look back at this post and Morgan will be all grown up with a life of her own!!!I wish time would just stop!!!I don't want to let my baby girl grow up!!!I know that I can not stop time so She will grow up and I will have to let her go her own way one day!!!I love you Momo!!!You will always be moma's little girl no matter what!!I hope you enjoy 1st grade!!!!!


Iva said...

Aww,'ll be okay. It's kind of a double edged sword, isn't it? On one hand, we don't want our babies to grow up, but on the other hand we long for the time that they *do* so that we can spend time with our husbands again -- like it used to be before they were born. We love them...but...

Where'd you get that awesome template? Hook a girl up! LOL

Unknown said...

She is growing up so fast... and girl believe me it is the hardest thing I have ever had to do ever!! Love every milestone and rejoice in the young woman she is becoming!