Sunday, March 9, 2008

Just Some Random Stuff

Well another week is gone.We have sprung forward!!!I am so glad the days are getting longer.I think the kids are going to be glad too.It seems like when we do spring forward I get so much done.My mood improves so much during this time of the year!!!I think its just that during this time of the year everything is new.The trees are turning green.The birds are chirping.Its just a time of renewal for me.I guess spring is my favorite time of the year!!!

See this is just random!!!I have been doing a lot of reading on frugal living.There is so much information out there.I have learned that frugal living is not being cheap.With 1 income coming right now I am willing to do anything to save money.Believe me with prices on everything going up like they are I need every dollar to count.So I was having this conversation with DH the other night.He was all about it until I told him we need to bump up the AC when Summer got here.He didn't like that to much.I know I can get him on board after we get that first electric bill of the summer.I will keep updated on that!!I am still trying to get everyone to turn lights and tv's off when they are not in the room or watching tv.They are getting better on that.Just that little change my electric went down $20 this month!!!Go Me!!!Well that's enough randomness for now!!I am sure there will be more!!!