Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Just an Update

Well where do I begin?I guess i will start by saying that all is well at our little camp.This week he kids and Chris have been sick.So far I have been lucky....Chris has gotten a second job working for the USDA inspecting grain and loading the boats that come to our local port.Right now its part time but we hope before to long he will be full time.The kids are growing up to fast for me.Morgan is 7 going on 17!!!She loves Hannah Montana and High School Musical.She is all girl and then some.We had to get her glasses in Feburary.Now there is a 'Mini Me' in the house.What do you think?On to Austin.He is 4 and all boy.He will be going to school in August.Sure doesn't seem like he should be going to school already!!!His like at the moment are Spongebob and Spiderman.He is a momma's boy for sure.

We had a scare in December.My grandmother went in to have knee surgury and had 2 light strokes during the operation.The strokes left her blind.The Dr. said that if she got any of her sight back it would only be about 10% if that much.Well she wouldn't accept that!!!She has just about all of her sight back.Thank God.She always told us that God was going to give her sight back.i know that he did.

I am still trying to live a healthy lifestyle.I lost about 25 pounds last year.I am on the quest to lose another 25 this year!!!I have been back to tracking my food and excercising now for about 2 weeks.Believe me when you get off track its hard to get back on,but i will get there.I will get there one day at a time!!!!

So I have updated!!!!I will try to keep this one updated more!!!!So long for now...


Iva said...

Yay! And update! LOL

I don't know about you girl, but I'm just blown away at how fast these kids are growing up.

And it's taken me awhile, but I'm on track as far as exercise and food is concerned girl and I feel great! Are you feeling great yet? I am amazed at how quickly my body has adapted to the workouts -- even though I haven't given my body a *good* workout in almost six months!