Friday, June 22, 2007


You can totally tell the I have been MIA from my house all week.No,not inthe sense you think.I am usually home everyday.I have been a SAHM. Well this week I have been working everyday!!!!My house still looks like a wreck!!My laundry is reproducing as I sit here and type this!!!Our A.C has been out all week.Still have not gotten that fixed yet!!!We can't seem to get anybody out here to fix it.So on top of my house being a wreck ,me being tired and the A.C.going out Chris is being an ill butt!!I will say that instead of what I was really thinking.Who knows What is wrong with him.I give up trying to understand him.Ok so enough of that!!!!

I am looking forward to my days off!!!I do not have to go back to work till Wednesday afternoon!!!Praise the Lord!!!!So what do you think i will be doing?I give you one guess!!!!GETTING THE HOUSE BACK IN ORDER!!!I can't stand it being this way!!!I am going to get Morgan's room cleaned out while she is gone.She went to Bama with my Mom.They will be home on Sunday!!So that has to get done tomorrow.I am going to clean out her closet and toy box.If I do it when she is here she won't throw anything away!!!She thinks she has to keep everything.I guess while I am at it I will clean Austin's too.Hell might as well clean my closet too!!!It seems like I just did mine!!!



Iva said...

I will be blogging about this very subject soon enough -- stay tuned.

I do believe this one basic truth: life is too short to spend your energies cleaning 24-7! I am getting the kids on a chore schedule (of course, both of mine are a bit older, where you have an older one and a small tot yet). I am also putting myself on a rotation schedule. One hour of housework a day -- that's it. Saturday gets two hours of my time.

Life is too short. I figure if we can get our families in gear, we'll be ranting less and less about BS housekeeping and blog about meaningful things -- like little black dresses >grin<