I decided to get a head start on all my Thanksgiving baking this year.This is coming from someone who has worked 10 hours today.Then had to go to Walmart and fight the crowds to get my Thanksgiving dinner....What was I thinking?
So any way.I have decided to try my luck at a butternut cake this year.My grandmother usually always makes it.Well so far so good!!!!Everthing looks just like it does when granny does it....I will post pictures when I have it all done.
Hope everyone has a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Its Begining to smell like Thanksgiving
Posted by GaGirl27 at 10:13 PM 1 comments
Labels: Baking, Family, Thanksgiving
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
New Look
Ok so I decided to change my background.It's a work in progress!!!!I figured it was time to get everyone in the Christmas spirit....Shoot the stores have had their displays out since Halloween.I felt kinda behind....LOL!!!Check back in a few days.I hope to have it all done!!!!!
Until next time.......
Posted by GaGirl27 at 9:46 PM 2 comments
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Cooler Weather
He's looking for Rollie Pollies!!!!I love this picture!!!!!He's thinking about something!!!
Posing for the camera!!!
Morgan sitting on the mailbox drawing!!!
So the weather is cooler and we are enjoying it!!!!We can actually go outside now and not be ate up by bugs or be burned to a crisp from it being so hot!!!I think I am enjoying it a little more than the kids....They can run all that energy they have off.So when we go inside they want a bath ,dinner and then bed....I will never tell them my secret....LOL!!!
The cooler weather has gotten me wanting the holidays the get here!!!I know it just seems like yesterday we were getting ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas...Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.I get to usually go to Alabama and see my daddy and brother.My grandmother lives there now so I will be seeing her too.Not to mention all my Aunts,Uncles and Cousins!!!!Can't wait till November!!!!Gotta go for now.Kids and Hubby are ready to go to town!!!!
Posted by GaGirl27 at 1:32 PM 3 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
First Day back on track
Well I could have done better today.I didn't have to be at work till 9:30 this morning.Well you would think I would have exercised this morning.I didn't do it.I thought about just didn't act on it!!!!Gotta give me something for at least thinking about it right?Maybe I am not quiet ready yet.Who knows why I self sabotage myself?I will do this.I know I can do it.I lost over 30 pounds when I was focused on doing it.Why is it sooo hard to get back in the groove of things?
Posted by GaGirl27 at 7:03 PM 1 comments
Labels: weightloss
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Ok time to get back on track!!!
Ok I have been thinking about getting back on my whole weight loss journey.I have been slacking since I started back to work.It's like I can't find the time to get my excercise in.I have to be at work so early that I just don't want to get up 30 m inutes early to get a workout in before work.Let's not even talk about my eating habits.They have went out the window a long time ago.I still find myself thinking ok you really don't need that or you don't need to go back for seconds.Somehow I tend to ignore that little voice and keep on eating.I have to start listening to that voice again.I have come too far now to quit.
I got a new Collage catalog in the mail today.Talk about perfect timing!!!!I am going to order myself some new Leslie Sansone and get back to walking away the pounds.I want to loose at least 10 pounds before November.We are going to Bama for Thanksgiving and I want to be looking good again!!!!So with my determination renewed I am going to start my journey again.I will keep you posted with progress.Please feel free to keep me accountable.
Posted by GaGirl27 at 6:21 PM 3 comments
Labels: weightloss
Monday, September 1, 2008
First Day Of School
GROWING UP TOO FAST!!!I can't believe she is in the second grade already.Seems like just yesterday I dropped her off at preschool.I left crying!!!!I still kinda get emotional every school year.I can't help myself.They grow up so fast.Cherish every moment you have with your babies.
Posted by GaGirl27 at 6:22 PM 2 comments
Labels: School.Family
Monday, August 18, 2008
Well we survived the 1st week of school last week.Sorry it has taken me so long to update.Things have been really crazy around our house!!!Ok back to school...We are still trying to get back in the swing of having to get up to go to school.The night before school started I liked to have never gotten her into to bed.Finally got her to bed aound 10:00pm.You know how it is when you tell them to go to bed.My foot hurts.My throat hurts!!!I'm thirsty!!!!She thought she was dying!!!!Believe me come 6:00am the next morning my little girl didn't want to get up.Got her up and dressed finally with just enough time to get her to school on time!!!
She rode the bus home from school .I thought I was at the right bus stop ,come to find out I was at the wrong end of our road....She had to walk home in the rain to the house.Thank god my neighbor saw her and got her out of the rain!!!!Poor Child!!!!!I was one more mad momma!!!I pretty much told her bus driver that I was not happy about what happened...Didn't get very far!!!!Now we know where we are supposed to be!!!!For now...Could change at anytime considering we live in Glynn County....That's another post all by itself!!!!
I still have not found anywhere that has an opening for Austin.I am just so frustrated right now.The lady that is over the pre -k program is so rude.I don't see how anyone working in the public can be so rude.I call the other day and she gets all lippy with me.I tell her fine give me the superintendent and I will tell him about your attitude.She tells me oh he is not in his office.I don't see how she could have known that because their offices are in differant buildings!!!She just didn't want me to talk to the superintendent!!!I will get him on the phone and you can believe this moma will give him a piece of her mind!!!!!
Posted by GaGirl27 at 7:10 PM 1 comments
Labels: School.Family
Monday, August 11, 2008
Back to school
So we are 2 days away from school starting back.I am so ready and I think Mo is too.We went to meet her teacher on Sunday.She seems to be nice.We shall see when school actually starts.I just hope she is has good has her 1st grade teacher was last year.Now I know I really don't need to compare this teacher with last years teacher,but I just can't help myself!!!!Did I mention she is also going to a new school.I think I am more nervous than Mo is!!!This moma is having a hard time of letting go....LOL.....I know she will do fine....
It looks like Austin will not start to school with Mo on Wednesday.Where I had him registered at didn't have enough kids to have a pre-k class.I find this out on Thursday afternoon.They didn't even call me to let me know.I hope I can get him in a pre-k class at one of our schools.Hopefully Mo's school.His name is on a list.I hope they call me and and tell me they have an opening.He was finally looking forward to going to school.I will keep this updated.Hoping and keeping my fingers crossed!!!!!
Posted by GaGirl27 at 8:44 PM 1 comments
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Past present,or future
You Live in the Present |
![]() You take things one day at a time. And it turns out, that's a pretty great way to live. You aren't consumed by the past, and you're aren't obsessed with the future. You live in the now, and you enjoy each moment. While most people don't live in the present enough, make sure you don't live in it too much. It would be a mistake to forget your past or neglect to plan for the future. |
Posted by GaGirl27 at 6:05 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
What kind of degree?
You Should Get a JD (Juris Doctor) |
![]() You're logical, driven, and ruthless. You'd make a mighty fine lawyer. |
Posted by GaGirl27 at 7:31 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
![]() |
![]() |
Make a Smilebox slideshow |
Posted by GaGirl27 at 7:41 PM 3 comments
Labels: weightloss
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Your Karaoke Theme Song is "Margaritaville" |
![]() Kicking back with a few friends and a few drinks is all you need to be happy. You certainly don't feel pressured to be a part of any party scene. In fact, you avoid trendier spots. You've been known to kick loose anywhere and everywhere. All you need is a cooler. You might also sing: "Gin and Juice," "Love Shack," and "Red Red Wine" Stay away from people who sing: "Wind Beneath My Wings" |
Posted by GaGirl27 at 9:22 PM 4 comments
Friday, June 27, 2008
Feeling Down
have just went back to work for the 1st time in 5 years.It has really been hard on the kids.Austin is acting out and Morgan is wanting to be with me more than usual.Like tonight Morgan wanted to know when I was going to bed so she could go with me.She wanted to sleep with me.When I asked why she wanted to sleep with me she tells me because I miss you.That just broke my heart to pieces.I did shed a few tears over what she said.I know that it is helping us all out by me going back to work.I just feel like I am neglecting my family by not being home all the time.I am so tired when I come home from work that I don't even want to cook them dinner.I just hope we can all adjust to me working again.I am doing this for them.I hope they know how much I love them and miss them when I am at work.
Posted by GaGirl27 at 10:08 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Things have been kinda crazy
Well I guess I have let this blog go dry.Things around here have been kinda crazy.Let's see where to I begin.Well we have made it though another school year.Morgan had the best teacher this year.I hope she gets a good one like that next year.She made learning so much fun for them that the kids didn't realize they were learning.She done really well on her CRCT Test.She is above average in reading and right on target with Math and Language Arts.On now to Austin!!!Austin is growing right before my eyes!!!He will go to school in August.He is all boy and then some!!!!When you ask him if he is going to school he tells you no!!!!I have to stay with mommy because she will miss while I am in school...How sweet is that.His favorite things right now are Super Heroes.I think we have watched SpiderMan at least 1000 times!!!What we will endure for our kids.....Now for Chris....He is still working for the glass company.We are counting down the days when he can go full time at the port where he works part time right now.We were hoping my now he would be full time.Its the government so they tend to take their time.I know the full time position will come right on time.Now I know you want to know what have I been up too.Well I have started working again after 4 years....I work for The Kraft Company.I am a merchandiser for them.Yes I am the one responsible for putting all those yummy chips ahoy and oreos on your shelves at the grocery store.I am still adjusting to working again.I just love having that little extra income coming in every week.It makes me feel like I am helping ease the load on Chris.So I guess that's it for now.I will try to keep this blog going.
Posted by GaGirl27 at 10:46 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Traveling Light
Rest from the burden of a small god. Why? Because I have found the Lord.
Rest from doing things my way. Why? Because the Lord is my Shepherd.
Rest from endless wants. Why? Because I shall not want.
Rest from weariness. Why? Because he makes me to lie down.
Rest from worry. Why? Because he leads me.
Rest from hopelessness. Why? Because he restores my soul.
Rest from guilt. Why? Because he leads me in the paths of righteousness.
Rest from arrogance. Why? Because of his name’s sake.
Rest from the valley of death. Why? Because he walks me through it.
Rest from the shadow of grief. Why? Because he guides me.
Rest from fear. Why? Because his presence comforts me.
Rest from loneliness. Why? Because he is with me.
Rest from shame. Why? Because he has prepared a place for me in the presence of my enemies.
Rest from my disappointments. Why? Because he anoints me.
Rest from envy. Why? Because my cup overflows.
Rest from doubt. Why? Because he follows me.
Rest from homesickness. Why? Because I will dwell in the house of my Lord forever
Source:Blissfully Domestic
I think that if I could learn this I would be a better mom and wife.Sometimes I let the cares of life cloud my mind.If I would just stand back and let God handle it then I would have no reason to worry.I am trying alot harder not to get upset over situations that I can't control.God knows what's best.I just have to trust him to bring me though.I know he will never put more on us than we can bear.I just have to trust.Something that I am still learning to do.Believe me sometimes its hard to just put it in God's hands.I look back at how far I have come.There was times I didn't know where the gas money was going to come from.God always provided.I didn't know where the food was going to come from,but we have never been hungry.I didn't know where the rent money was going to come from,but I have always had a roof over my head.THANKS TO THE GOOD LORD.I have so much to be thankful for.I am still the clay and god is the potter.He is still molding me to what he wants me to be.
Posted by GaGirl27 at 1:39 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 10, 2008
More Changes
Well we are at another turning point.Chris is getting another job...This one he will be working for the government inspecting grain that comes in on the rail cars.He called me tonight when he got to work and told me the good news.He caught me in the middle of working out!!!He has been working part time now since Oct 07..Now it looks like he will be going full time real soon.He will have affordable medical insurance,paid vacation,and personal leave.This is going to be good for us I know it is.I am still kinda scared.I am trusting Chris this time and I know he will not let me down.He never has.We knew it was coming but we didn't realize it was going to be this soon.His supervisor is going to talk to the Big Guy in charge tomorrow to make sure that everything is still a go.If it is then he will be giving his 2 weeks notice to his job now!!!I know that the Good Lord was in this all.I give him all the credit for all of this happening.He put Chris in the right place at the right time.He always provides right at the nick of time.We don't always understand why we have to go through the valley sometime,but God sometimes puts us in the valley so we can appreciate the mountain top.
Posted by GaGirl27 at 7:44 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Just Some Random Stuff
Well another week is gone.We have sprung forward!!!I am so glad the days are getting longer.I think the kids are going to be glad too.It seems like when we do spring forward I get so much done.My mood improves so much during this time of the year!!!I think its just that during this time of the year everything is new.The trees are turning green.The birds are chirping.Its just a time of renewal for me.I guess spring is my favorite time of the year!!!
See this is just random!!!I have been doing a lot of reading on frugal living.There is so much information out there.I have learned that frugal living is not being cheap.With 1 income coming right now I am willing to do anything to save money.Believe me with prices on everything going up like they are I need every dollar to count.So I was having this conversation with DH the other night.He was all about it until I told him we need to bump up the AC when Summer got here.He didn't like that to much.I know I can get him on board after we get that first electric bill of the summer.I will keep updated on that!!I am still trying to get everyone to turn lights and tv's off when they are not in the room or watching tv.They are getting better on that.Just that little change my electric went down $20 this month!!!Go Me!!!Well that's enough randomness for now!!I am sure there will be more!!!
Posted by GaGirl27 at 8:07 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Just an Update
Well where do I begin?I guess i will start by saying that all is well at our little camp.This week he kids and Chris have been sick.So far I have been lucky....Chris has gotten a second job working for the USDA inspecting grain and loading the boats that come to our local port.Right now its part time but we hope before to long he will be full time.The kids are growing up to fast for me.Morgan is 7 going on 17!!!She loves Hannah Montana and High School Musical.She is all girl and then some.We had to get her glasses in Feburary.Now there is a 'Mini Me' in the house.What do you think?On to Austin.He is 4 and all boy.He will be going to school in August.Sure doesn't seem like he should be going to school already!!!His like at the moment are Spongebob and Spiderman.He is a momma's boy for sure.
We had a scare in December.My grandmother went in to have knee surgury and had 2 light strokes during the operation.The strokes left her blind.The Dr. said that if she got any of her sight back it would only be about 10% if that much.Well she wouldn't accept that!!!She has just about all of her sight back.Thank God.She always told us that God was going to give her sight back.i know that he did.
I am still trying to live a healthy lifestyle.I lost about 25 pounds last year.I am on the quest to lose another 25 this year!!!I have been back to tracking my food and excercising now for about 2 weeks.Believe me when you get off track its hard to get back on,but i will get there.I will get there one day at a time!!!!
So I have updated!!!!I will try to keep this one updated more!!!!So long for now...
Posted by GaGirl27 at 11:00 PM 1 comments